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Padang fun facts
(Padang Menyenangkan Fakta)
Things I found about Padang
The most common public transportation in Padang is the angkut. It is widely known in the whole country because of its loud and groovy music while hitting the roads of the downtown city.
Padang cuisine and food are considered the spiciest in the whole Indonesia. They add chili and spice in almost all of their meals!
Padang is a very nice tourist spot to enjoy, and tourists would definitely love this place for this city experiences very long days, and it only turns dark at seven in the evening!
Batik, the national cloth of Indonesia and the background that I have used in my blog, can be bought in various intricate designs in the Pasaraya or Traditional Market of the city.
Padang is also a strategic city to live in, for it is a place accessible for other beautiful cities, such as Payakumbuh, Bukitinggi, and Paina
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