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Masa Perkenalan (Orientation Sessions)

We Filipinos are generally known for being hospitable and warm to our guests. Personally, I have been accustomed in terms of accommodating the visitors that would come to our place for we would always serve them good food, offer good shelter, and even tour them around the nicest places in our city. Coming from this background, I have been very much amazed that the same things have been offered to us as we arrived here in the city of Padang in West Sumatra, Indonesia.

As we landed from the plane from Jakarta to Padang, while taking our first steps in the said city, Dr. Ananda Putra, the Director of International Affairs of UNP, and Elsa and Opi, the Universitas Negeri Padang students that were assigned to become our buddies welcomed us sincerely. Their beaming smiles and positive energy has actually influenced me even though I was very tired from our very long trip. They fetched us and our belongings and accompanied us to our host university, UNP.

On Monday, January 22, after having much rest from our trip, all SEATeach and SEATVET program participants had an orientation meeting with our program coordinator, Dr. Ananda Putra. He has informed us regarding our respective coordinating schools and program partners. For me, I was assigned to the SMA 1 Padang, considered as the best senior high school institution in the city. This has indeed brought much pressure on me to do well as I have my teaching here for the next three weeks. In addition, Dr. Ananda also made sure that we were doing well in our stay in UNP, as much as our food and accommodation are well provided for us.

This has been a very fruitful meeting for it has greatly oriented us with how we are gonna do in our one month stay in Padang. After the meeting, I had also photo taken with Pak Ananda Putra and my buddy, Elsa.

In the following day, January 23, we had another orientation session but at this time all of us was able to meet the Vice-Rectors of the university, namely Prof. Drs. Ganefri Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Yunia Wardi Ph.D, and Drs. Syahril, ST. Ph.D. He has extended to us his warmest welcome in UNP and gladly wished that we would have a successful and fun-filled stay here until February. I have also met the various department chairpersons that would also guide us in our respective works in the university.

On our third day, January 24, I have encountered the key individuals in the college that I belong in as a Secondary Education Major in English student, for I have met the dean, vice-dean, and supervisor of the College of Languages and Arts. It was indeed a very humbling experience to be able to meet this high-caliber people and receive such encouraging and kind words from them that made me feel more confident as I would enter the classrooms and handle the students that I will teach.

Overall, the orientation sessions that we have had has brought a positive impact towards us to finally adjusting not only to the culture of Indonesians but to what is expected for us in our one- month stay. For me, it served as a reminder that I am indeed here for a reason not only for myself but for others as well, especially for the students that I would meet. Ultimately my mission is to continuously help them appreciate their rich culture and realize the limitless opportunities that they can grab to become the best individuals that they can become.

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